Mobile proxy settings

Dolphin fully supports mobile proxies. This means that you can:

  • Set a link for automaticaly changing the IP for each proxy individually
  • Configure automatic IP change for interface requests
  • Set the maximum waiting time for the IP change, so as not to delay the execution time of the script

Setting a link to change IP

Go to the section Proxies in Ads Manager interface and edit the proxy you need. On the edit page there will be a field for entering the IP change link.

Maximum timeout for a new IP

When Dolphin is faced with the task of changing the IP proxy before requesting the next account, he:

  • Fixes the current external IP proxy
  • Sends a request to change the IP at the specified link
  • Waiting for a response from the server about a successful IP change
  • Starts with an interval of 1 second to fix the current external IP proxy and compare it with IP before accessing the address change link
  • If the current IP differs from IP before the request for a change of address, then the script starts working with the account
  • If the current IP is still the same , then a pause of 1 second is made, and the check is repeated.

Thus, if the IP change is delayed, the script will wait a certain time until the IP changes anyway.

However, in some cases, the IP change may be delayed or even freeze. Therefore, in the section Settings -> General there is an option Maximum waiting time for IP mob change. proxy (sec). By default, its value = 90 sec.

This means that Dolphin will wait a maximum of 90 seconds for the IP proxy to change. After that, the script will start working with the account using the old IP proxy.

If the IP changes earlier than 90 seconds, the script will not wait all 90 seconds and will start working immediately after it sees a new IP.

If your mobile proxies sometimes change the address for more than 90 seconds, we recommend increasing the value of this parameter.

Change IP before each account

If you want Dolphin to change the IP of mobile proxies before each request to the next account, then just set the IP change link when editing the proxy, but you need to understand that each such request to change IP is about 10-40 seconds of waiting and idle time. Therefore, if you hang up many accounts on one mobile proxy, then be prepared that all actions will be performed with a delay due to the IP update. If you have super fast proxies that change ip in less than 10 seconds, then in the settings you can set the appropriate values to speed up updates:

An alternative is to work on mobile proxies without requests to change IP. Facebook is much more loyal to requests from one IP via API than to work from one IP from the browser. But in any case, the choice is always yours and all the options need to be tested, do not forget about it😉.

How many accounts can I add on one mobile proxy?

If a mobile proxy is added without changing IP via a link, then you can freely hang dozens of accounts, everything will work fine.

If you added a mobile proxy with IP change via link, it's a bit more complicated: 
One request to update data from FB takes from 20 to 150+ seconds, depending on how many ad campaigns you have created and how many ad accounts in one social account. (If you have a lot of them, it can take much longer). Add to this another 20-30 seconds for IP changing request, the total it turns out that to update one account, proxies need from 40 to 180 seconds.

Consider the situation you have added 50 accounts on one proxy and set periods of automatic data updates every 30 minutes. Dolphin begins to update accounts in order, let's say it takes 1 minute for each account, when it comes to the 30th account, and then it turns out that it needs to update another 20 remaining accounts and the first account already requires a new update, because the set interval for update is up. It turns out that the proxy will be overloaded and the data will cease to be pulled up in time, and if you overload the proxy with any requests such as creation of FP, pixels, binding bank card or, God bless, ads creation automatisation, then work quickly all will stop exactly. 😬

To sum it up: it's possible to work with mobile proxies, but you have to do it smart. We recommend adding accounts on one mobile proxy at the rate that 1 account takes 1.5 minutes to update. I.e. if you've added 10 accounts on your mobile proxy, you'll need at least 15 minutes for automatic updates.
If you added 30 accounts, then not less than 45 minutes.