Statistics updates too long

Thought 1

You are manually updating statistics. It is significantly slower than automatic.

What kind of automatic update? Read Thought 2.

Thought 2

If the number of cabinets you have measured is even at least dozens, manually updating statistics will turn your life into hell (why? Read Thought 3). In your case, we strongly recommend setting up automatic statistics updates.

Practice shows that the FB does not refresh statistics statistics more than once every 30 minutes. This means that in most cases updating statistics manually more often than once every half an hour is pointless.

Go to the "Settings" => "Intervals" section and check the boxes next to two points:

Update the list of account accounts (30 min)

Load the structure of the cabinets + statistics (30 min)

Thought 3

The relatively low speed of updating statistics manually is associated with the following factors:

In manual mode, subjectively you want to get data faster. When an update happens in the background, you don’t even notice it. Each time statistics for ALL TIME of cabinet unloading are loaded. By day. For each campaign / ads / ads individually. To provide you with access to statistics data even after the account token rally. It takes longer than just getting data on current dates and selected elements of the cab in total. For security reasons, the system allows itself to make 1 request for 1 proxy per unit of time. That is, if you have 3 accounts under one proxy, and in each account you have 5 accounts, then downloading statistics on them will be in the queue. 15 offices will be updated in turn, as they have 1 common proxy.